LEO Bags:
175 - K9
Bags: 7 - Plus
bulk snack & drinks to the departments
Bagging Day: May 19, 2022
Delivery Day: May 20, 2022
Group members wanted
to go back and participate in delivering
appreciation bags to our local departments
during National Police Week.
With this in mind, we selected Buckeye,
Goodyear, and Tolleson Departments to visit on
May 20, 2022.
We had been to these 3 locations in August 2020,
shortly after Thank You AZ Blue began. All 3
locations were happy to
have us back - and remembered our first visit
nearly 2 years previously.
In August 2020, Goodyear PD was the first
department to bring out the bikes and they did
again for us. As with the first visit, many
adults who helped this time around, well, they
wanted to take those bikes for a spin around the
parking lot.
Additionally, Tolleson was the first department
that had a K9 for us to meet in 2020, and again,
they brought out their K9.
As you can see, he didn't want to share his ball
with ANYONE! (and the bag was in shreds pretty