Thank You AZ Blue


La Paz County Sheriffs, Parker PD, Quartzsite,
Colorado Indian Tribal PD, Gilbert PD

LEO Bags: 583   -   K9 Bags: 11

Bagging Day:  Friday, May 21, 2021
Delivery Day:  Saturday & Monday, May 22 - May 24, 2021

What a great time as we delivered to our men and women serving our communities up in La Paz County.

With a caravan of delivery drivers, and our vehicles all loaded, we were off early on Saturday morning.
Our first stop was to Quartzsite, where we were met with a HUGE smile, and the chance to take a couple
of pictures. From there, we headed a bit further northwest to the Colorado River Tribal PD. A wonderfully kind
Dispatcher met us there and helped to unload the bags for their officers. While there, he called in 2 officers who
drove up to say hello and of thank everyone in our group.

After visiting CRIT, we headed next to the Parker Police Department. Let's just say, there are a couple of ladies
who want to move to Parker after meeting the Officer there! We had a great time, a wonderful conversation,
and many smiles, and then it was off to our last stop - the La Paz County Sheriff's Office. The chief met us,
>helped unload the bags, gave us some great swag, and later, he offered to donate a ride on their Colorado
River patrol for a fundraiser. Now, how fantastic is that!

The following week, on Monday, the 24th, we all met over at the Gilbert Police Department so we could deliver bags
to these kind and caring men and women. The Chief came and helped us unload all of the bags, we took a lot of
photos, and we had the opportunity to see the lobby and meet so many wonderful officers.

   Thank You AZ Blue
   Peoria, AZ 85345

FEIN: 86-1401733

PHONE: 602-428-0748